I think back to 2000 when I first received the inspiration to start a school dedicated to emotional health education. The name was given to me with a stroke of insight and I purchased my business license and had the name “Institute of Healing Arts” incorporated and registered through the state of Utah. I am still in awe that I actually took action and put things in motion. I had already established a private clientele and many were asking for information and how they could learn the process. The ideas and inspiration sparkled with newness and the possibilities seemed endless as I weighed over the potential of starting a school and teaching in small groups.
I was embarking on an adventure and still working on my personal issues. We started our first group in 2000. I have witnessed the synergy and the power of small group work. Small groups hold the space for personal growth and learning both for the trainer and the student. Each member of the small group and processing labs, become the student and the teacher.
When I started the Institute of Healing Arts, I had no idea how I would organize the curriculum, support people in learning the muscle testing, and mastering the steps of the process. I wasn’t sure how to certify students with an IPT Facilitator's Certification, or get systems in place in the office. And as people were moving through such deep issues and trauma, trying to figuring out how to offer support, while they were doing the left-brain learning, all at the same time. And yet, guidance and ideas were coming to me daily that brought solutions and helped straighten out the path I was born to follow.
Organizing the school was a sacred experience and has been a blessed gift. I acknowledge God’s hand in both the labor pains and the delivery of this IPT healing system. And I bear witness that the inspiration came from God as I birthed the idea given to me from him, which was to create a safe place for myself and others to heal. To me, it was a miracle and I continue to witness miracles of healing every day 25 years later.
I look back over the years and fondly remember the students, trainers and office staff that have helped move this work forward. I express my deepest and most sincere gratitude to all those that have helped carry the burden of this work in whatever capacity you have served. The weight of this ambitious desire, to offer IPT healing sessions to individuals and families, could not be carried out by me alone.
This vision has been implemented by hundreds and hundreds of you that have lifted those whose arms hang down and are burdened with past pain. You have carried the vision as you have leaned into each other’s woundedness with compassion, offering your individual love and support. You have assisted in binding up those hearts that are broken and wounded with emotional first aid from the IPT Process and with your own gifts and talents. I have never seen such a collective depth of compassion as you have embraced myself and each other in our individual vulnerability and expression of our humanness.
This work isn’t really about me, I just organized it with God’s help. It is about each one of you who have sat with someone, held their hand and wiped their tears as they have released their pain and suffering. The IPT process has offered opportunity for even the most gruesome emotional scars to heal and it has come through the hands of those that have been willing to join these small groups and do the work together.
My heart is full of gratitude as IHA moves into celebrating its 25th year! It has been such a great work to be a part of and definitely sustained by a large community of like-minded individuals that continue to keep this work alive and moving forward into the future.
God bless the hands of those that have sustained this work over the years.
Welcome 2025!
Loves always and forever,